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The system and me

What’s with the in-between space?

In 2021, we initiated our involvement in the field of education and youth services. We observed that a shortage of personnel and the increasing complexity of the school environment are placing an increasingly heavy burden on professionals. Consequently, we noted that many professionals either leave their posts or resign themselves to the apparent impossibility of modifying the existing system.

At the same time, substantial innovations presented themselves. Searching for the source of these, we got in touch with the “heroes” behind them: the people who feel called to make their voices heard because they dare to see, think and do something different than usual.

A space and context in which personal connection can be central

We were sincerely honored that twenty of these heroes wanted to come together for an afternoon on February 28, 2024 in the Utrecht Vogelfrei, without actually knowing what would happen that day. We ourselves did not know what that afternoon would bring – the superficial goal was unclear in that sense – but we did have a clear idea of what we wanted to facilitate: a space and a context in which the personal connection we are talking about above could take center stage, in order to make cooperation based on trust and free thinking possible. Or, as Dutch philosopher and sociologist Harry Kunneman puts it: to work on our normative professionalism.

Encouraging each other

Kunneman (et al.) talks about the idea that professionals not only act on the basis of technical skills and established procedures, but also take into account ethical considerations and underlying values. Allowing groups to come together on their own initiative – and then not without obligation but to actually critically reflect with each other on your professional (that includes your personal) development – gives you the backing to restart entrenched systems. The conversations can be about the tensions and dilemmas you face. And about the split that can exist between the personal and the business. What prevails is the intention to be honest with each other, about major themes and sometimes also just about everyday problems, so that the meetings can become ‘breeding grounds’ where you can learn from each other in all openness and encourage each other.

Exploring further together

Facilitating a setting and a routine through which we can further explore these incubators together and allow them to blossom into daily practice-this is what we want to continue to focus on as Yolk. With stubborn faith in change at a time when it is not only necessary, but even imperative, we invite you to take this journey together. How and when we determine together and preferably with a current issue that challenges you to question the system.