Creating Connections

Finding common ground through differences.

Polarization, the sharpening of opposites, is prime opportunity to bring groups closer together. One of the most powerful approaches is contact theory, which states that positive contact between different groups can reduce prejudice and increase empathy. This can be achieved through joint activities and projects in which people from diverse backgrounds work together. In addition, the concept of multiple identities plays a crucial role. By making people realize that they belong to multiple groups, we reduce tensions and strengthen common group identities that connect rather than separate.

Practical Approaches

Practical approaches such as Bart Brandsma’s thinking framework focus on strengthening the “silent middle. He describes how us-side thinking arises and is strengthened by emotional dynamics and attention. His model distinguishes five roles: the pusher (fuels oppositions), the joiner (takes sides), the silent (neutral middle), the bridge builder and the scapegoat. Brandsma emphasizes that dialogue is effective only in certain phases and puts the focus on strengthening the silent middle, the group that remains neutral but is crucial to de-polarizing.

Another valuable method is Deep Democracy, a decision-making process that promotes inclusiveness and respect for different opinions. The process focuses on hearing both majority and minority views, allowing tensions and conflicts to be discussed openly. This leads to a deeper understanding of different perspectives and prevents minorities from feeling excluded. Through respectful dialogue and the facilitation of emotional expression, Deep Democracy helps uncover hidden tensions and turn them into constructive conversations, allowing the group to reach supported solutions together and reducing polarization.

Prevention and Reflection

By addressing discomfort and subcutaneous tensions early, conflicts can become fruitful. Methods such as Open Space Technology, Nonviolent Communication and Socratic Conversation help create open and respectful dialogues. By promoting contact, creating shared identities and embracing inclusive decision-making processes, you work to create a context where everyone feels heard and seen.

At Yolk, we specialize in guiding organizations and communities through this process. Our services, including Deep Democracy and other inclusive methodologies, help create a climate where dialogue and collaboration are central. Contact us to discover how we can support your organization in addressing polarization and promoting an inclusive culture.

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