Our approach

We employ a range of powerful and effective strategies and methods that guide your organization successfully through change, focusing on collective knowledge, team development, and creative ways of working.

Learning change strategy

A learning change strategy helps you take steps towards a way of working that revolves around collaborative learning, active experimentation, reflection, talking to each other and leadership that is truly engaged. This allows you to respond effectively to changes and challenges in your organization, team or environment.

Design thinking

Design thinking gives you a clear picture of what your environment and audience really want, what they are up against and what they need. By working in a creative and step-by-step way, you discover deeper insights that help you find solutions that actually work and take you further.

Systemic work

Systemic work gives you insight into how people and processes within a group or organization are connected. You recognize patterns, roles, hierarchies, loyalties and unspoken rules. This allows you to find solutions that don’t just address individual problems, but really contribute to the health and well-being of the whole system. In this way, you ensure that everything and everyone works better together, rather than just solving individual issues.

Socratic conversation

A Socratic conversation is an organized, comprehensive dialogue that examines ideas, beliefs, and values collectively. This method enables you to uncover underlying assumptions and biases, ultimately leading to the identification of new insights that can be beneficial for the organization.

Deep democracy

Deep democracy is a process that enables all members of a group to participate equally in decision-making, ensuring that decisions are widely supported and that all voices are heard. It creates an environment where everyone feels included and involved, leading to the formation of inclusive, effective, and sustainable decisions that are universally accepted.

Transformative storytelling

The capacity of narratives to foster connections and engender transformation is well established. By animating values, beliefs, and concepts, stories facilitate a profound engagement with audiences, inspiring collective action.