Taking another look at the way you work

Henny van Egmond

Having curiosity


  • The ability to adapt to what is needed
  • Resilient in learning from mistakes
  • Saying goodbye to control

Taking on confrontations

Renewal occurs in organisations that react to change and can deal with complexity. Their organisation goes beyond traditional limits and they have an innate curiosity for the new. This generates innovation; in the confrontation between various ideas, perspectives and convictions.

Embracing technology

Today’s technological developments are getting under our skin and taking over our work. Eighty percent of organisations are confident that they will have introduced artificial intelligence and robots within the next five years. What happens if we truly embrace technology and see it as a strength instead of a disaster?

Want to know more?

Then contact Henny via this form or call +31 23 531 04 91
Henny van Egmond

Change expert. Authority in the Future of Work. Aficionado of the good discussion. Poses the questions nobody else dares to ask. He helps customers move forwards with his vast, ready knowledge – preferably through complex challenges.